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Bail - definition of bail by The Free DictionaryDefine bail. bail synonyms, bail pronunciation, bail translation, English dictionary definition of bail. money to release a prisoner: I had to bail him out of jail.; remove water, as from a boat: They had to bail very fa
Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free DictionaryThe World s most comprehensive free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia with synonyms, definitions, idioms, abbreviations, and medical, financial, legal specialized dictionaries
Faunist - definition of faunist by The Free DictionaryDefine faunist. faunist synonyms, faunist pronunciation, faunist translation, English dictionary definition of faunist. n a person who studies fauna, a naturalist Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12t
Oral diagnosis | definition of oral diagnosis by Medical dictionaryLooking for online definition of oral diagnosis in the Medical Dictionary? oral diagnosis explanation free. What is oral diagnosis? Meaning of oral diagnosis medical term. What does oral diagnosis mean?
Metrology - definition of metrology by The Free DictionaryDefine metrology. metrology synonyms, metrology pronunciation, metrology translation, English dictionary definition of metrology. n. pl. me trol o gies 1. The science that deals with measurement. 2. A system of measureme
Homily - definition of homily by The Free DictionaryDefine homily. homily synonyms, homily pronunciation, homily translation, English dictionary definition of homily. n. pl. hom i lies 1. A sermon, especially one intended to explain the practical and moral implications of
Depends on the kindness of strangers - Idioms by The Free DictionaryDefinition of depends on the kindness of strangers in the Idioms Dictionary. depends on the kindness of strangers phrase. What does depends on the kindness of strangers expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom D
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Forexpedia - elevating your financial literacyForexpedia is the leading website for all things finance. The site is equipped with financial dictionary, trading techniques, and reading resources.
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